Kindy Fundraising

 Donating to our Kindy

The exceptional educational experience children receive and the stunning setting in which they play have been greatly enhanced by the generous donations and fundraising efforts of our community. There are two streams of our fundraising efforts, as listed below. If you’d like to make a contribution, it would be greatly appreciated.

Make a donation

Inclusion support

Our funding model enables our kindergarten to have a teacher and an educator present in each classroom. When children present with a range of needs it is often preferable to have a third educator in the room for a number of hours each day for the benefit of all children. We have a funding channel to apply for support but this only goes part way towards funding an invaluable extra staff member in classes deemed to require this higher staff educator ratio for certain hours in a day. Through generous donations, we can provide extra staff to ensure our children have the best opportunities for learning and support.

Building fund

Donations to our building fund are tax deductible, and go towards additions and added improvements of our facilities.